改变Lab 课程

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Spring 2024 课程

CHNG-300-03 Data Analysis in the Real World学生将为初创企业或组织(商业)完成现实世界的项目, 非营利性, 公民, 或教育). Projects have a social responsibility focus. All teams are guided by a coach. Competencies are developed in project management, teamwork, and more.

CHNG 300-01, D01 Embrace Marketing and CommunicationsThis 改变Lab is a student-run marketing and communications agency. 学生与现实世界的客户合作,为他们的企业提供营销服务. Students also receive professional mentoring from an experienced coach.

CHNG-310-01 Evansville 新闻LabAs local news coverage continues to shrink, 我们迫切需要发展一种可行的、可持续的地方新闻模式——尤其是在中西部和像埃文斯维尔这样大的城市. 改变Lab将首先研究不同地方媒体目前的报道水平,然后制定策略来解决地方新闻生态系统的弱点.

CHNG-310-02 People for Pollinators II这个改变Lab将是一个封闭的课程,面向致力于在英国威廉希尔中文网站及其周边地区教育和加强本土系统的专业. Pre-Requisites BIOL118 & BIOL320. Faculty approval required.

CHNG-310-03 Diversity and Inclusion TrainingStudents will develop and learn to lead DEI training. 目标是建立一个项目,让学生为当地组织提供专业能力的DEI培训. 学生将在教练的带领下发展和领导多元化和包容性培训. 成功完成一个学期的学生可能有资格在包容性卓越中心的领导下为外部组织提供专业能力的多样性和包容性培训.

CHNG-310-04 Ethics and Social 改变 Action Project学生将制定一个行动项目,在校园或社区产生积极的变化.

CHNG-310-06 United SoundUnited Sound is a mentorship program for students with special needs. UE的学生将教他们的学生如何演奏他们演奏的乐器,或者与演奏类似乐器的人配对.

CHNG-310-07 (Honors section available) Equitable & Nourishing Food Systems学生们将与“城市种子”和其他当地食品正义组织以及倡导公平的企业家合作, and robust food system, increasing access to healthy, nourishing food for all.

CHNG-310-08 Public Art: Murals这个变化实验室将探索创造公共艺术的过程, focusing on murals, with the final project being an art installation.

CHNG-310-09 Joshua Academy Music InstructorsThis is an experiential, 在现实世界的学习机会中,选出的学生将担任约书亚学院乐队的教练. 被选中的讲师将由英国威廉希尔中文网站提供的教练指导.

在埃文斯维尔的种族和责任在本课程中, 学生们将学习如何使用埃文斯维尔非裔美国人博物馆和阿达斯·比奈以色列神庙的永久藏品来研究反种族主义, the importance of making unbiased choices, 通过举办一个关于Same和Bettye Kessler的展览来建立盟友关系, owners of Canal Street Department store in Baptisttown, the heart of Evansville's Black community. The Indiana Humanities Action Grant generously funds this exhibition, and the students' exhibition will be displayed at both institutions.

CHNG-310-11 Creative Tech: Intellectual Property“创新实验室”将设立和协调一个公开讲座系列,为创新科技的知识产权提供可靠的信息来源. 学生将负责活动管理的各个方面.

CHNG-310-DH1 Transformative ActionStudents deeply explore their own personal passions, family history and interests, study changemakers around the world, 然后将这些知识和灵感应用到他们选择的项目中, gaining project management and real world impact experiences.

CHNG-310-H08 Reimagining HonorsReimagine what the 荣誉项目 looks like for a modern generation. Activities, projects, housing, etc., all ideas will be on the table. In this 改变Lab, 你们将有机会对这个与众不同的项目发表意见.

CHNG-310-H12 Books for Brighter Futures这个变化实验室将探索幼儿阅读对发展的好处,并将这些信息传播给新父母和即将成为父母的人,让他们了解和受益. Students will research these pieces of information, 根据儿童书籍的益处,建立一个评级系统/标准系统, 并与EVPL(以及潜在的其他公司)合作,以创建新的阅读程序和/或扩展现有程序.

CHNG-310-S02 Latino 社区 Outreach学生将探索想法,并与不同的组织合作,以满足当地拉丁裔社区的需求. 外展的例子包括与提供者合作,以满足拉丁美洲人的保健需求, tutoring English language learners, promoting Latino culture and Spanish language in after-school programs.

CHNG-310-Y02 (Honors Section Available) The Future of UE's Archives帮助为图书馆的档案和特别收藏制定计划! Students will conduct research, dig into the archives, talk to UE community members about their needs, and consider the ideal space for our unique collections. 一些学生还将设计潜在空间的效果图,并设计筹款方案.

CHNG-310-Y03 Addressing Housing Insecurity创造一个创新的解决方案,通过经济适用房实现无家可归的零功能.

CHNG-310-Y05 UE Theatre's Rogue & 农民aceUE Theatre's Rogue & 农民王牌的倡议是在三州地区创造更多的莎士比亚作品. 我们的学生将排练一段适合学校课程的莎士比亚作品,并处理将作品带入社区所需的外联工作.

CHNG 310-13 Reproductive Rights and Student Organizations这个改变Lab将寻求与国家组织建立联系,并/或在大学里为支持生殖自由的学生组织建立支持.

CHNG 310-S03 User Experience for Evansville这个改变Lab将允许学生为当地企业提供低成本的用户体验网络咨询. Students will identify a local client, conduct usability testing and user research on their website, 并设计一个可点击的原型,一个改进的网站与客户共享. No coding knowledge required. All tools and techniques will be taught as part of the course. Instructor approval required.

For more information, contact:


Mr. 安德鲁•卡特 '07, M'14

Associate Director for the Center for Innovation and 改变

Ridgway University Center